Debt collection
Get your money and keep your customers
Debt collection
Recover outstanding invoices
Do you have difficulties recovering outstanding invoices? Through efficient routines and personal solutions, Svea helps your business shorten the time between the overdue date of your invoices and the time of payment. We act on your behalf in a professional, knowledgeable, and firm manner so you can spend your time on your core business rather than spending it on debt collection.
Svea is active in most types of businesses ranging from stock-listed corporations to small individual businesses. So whether you are in the field of construction, IT, energy or real estate, Svea can easily and professionally help you to receive payments.
Through our subsidiaries and partnerships Svea is present all over the world with the aim of collecting your late payments while maintaining a great relationship with your customers.
- High knowledge
- Efficient routines
- Personal service

Contact Svea Bank
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Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm CET
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Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm CET